

Menorca, OCTOBER 27TH-NOV 1ST 2017

Daily Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama and Workshops- With Mollie Mendoza and Ellanah Fawcett

TRE® Tension/Trauma Release Exercises with Jo Selwood

Cacao Ceremony and 5 Elements Dance

Kirtan and Live Music with Sam Garrett

5 nights accommodation

3 locally sourced meals a day cooked by Nourish by Nicola


Each day there will be 2 yoga sessions, and 2 meditation sessions. We will take our time to explore the coves surrounding the retreat space and spend time in the ocean. There will be live music with incredible musician Sam Garrett to accompany both asana, meditation and yoga nidra sessions. As well as the gift of a live music evening with him on the final night.  In addition, Jo Selwood will deliver two workshops on TRE® Tension/Trauma Release Exercises as well as a Cacao Ceremony followed by a 5 Element Ecstatic dance. There will be time for non-doing, relaxation and optional treatments available including Reiki, Chi Ne Tsang (Chinese abdominal massage), Massage and private TRE® sessions. 




· * Chi Nei Tsang (Taoist abdominal massage)

· * Holistic and Deep-tissue massage

  *TRE® Tension/Trauma Release Exercises

· * Reiki

· * 4 hand Reiki

· * Private Yoga/Asana

· * Private Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

· * Private Nutrition session: Food prep, how to eat mindfully.




Quadruple: 2 twin beds and 2 bunk beds- £700 per person



Shared twin- £900  per person

Private double- £1800



Shared twin- £900 per person

Private double- £1500

Shared double for a couple- £950/person



Private double- £1700

Shared double for a couple- £700 per person




Case Mariposa is a retreat space set on the peaceful island of Menorca, engulfed by an abundance of covey beaches and turquoise ocean. You will have plenty of time between activities to go and explore the magic of the surrounding area.


From daily yoga and meditation, to dance and mindfulness, experience this unique holistic retreat in the stunning Balearic Islands. Working with facilitators whose passions span fields that range from Meditation, Vinyasa, Yoga Nidra, Reiki and Pranayama, to Sound Healing, TRE and dance; all with the intention of inspiring your own understanding of and connection to your body and unique rhythm. Combing workshops, yoga sessions and treatments with time spent by the pool or on beautiful Balearic beaches.

Feast on locally sourced, freshly prepared dishes daily.  'Nourish By Nicola', will be  preparing the menu and each meal. With a background in nutrition, yoga, and a chef for over 10 years, Nicola is passionate about sharing her knowledge to help empower you to make healthier decisions with food and for nurturing the body into its optimum state! 

 Whether you have been flowing on your mat for years or are taking your first steps this retreat will hold a container for you to explore exactly what it is you are needing right now. Together we will come deeper into a space of listening and alignment of body, mind and heart so as to move through the world from a place of greater clarity, peace and presence.

We will be joined on each retreat by guest facilitators to share their own magical and unique gifts with the space. 

We will take trips to the beach to relax and enjoy the beauty of the ocean. Including taking in the island's stunning sunset and exploring some of the beautiful nature on a hike to a more secret beach. Nature is one of our greatest teachers...she shows us all the time what it is to be present, to be empty and to be completely abundantly full. Let yourself be inspired by the magic present in each moment, with each touch of the wind and ray of the sun that we allow ourselves to fully receive.

How do we approach Yoga?  

When we step onto our mats we gift ourselves the space to connect deeper to our true self, as abundant, playful, creative beings. We begin to inhabit our bodies from a place of greater acceptance, love, and curiosity. We hold space to feel deeply what is moving within us at that present moment; the waves of the heart and mind. We begin to feel the infinite freedom that is innate within all of us, so that we may step off our mat and into the wider world feeling truly alive and connected. The word yoga means 'to yoke', to come into union. When we practice yoga we are aligning heart, mind, body and soul, we are unifying the self with the greater self, coming into oneness, into the present moment as it is now. When we let go and fully surrender to this moment we find that there is infinite magic weaving its way through all of life. This is why it does not matter if you can't touch your toes, the real yoga is in feeling fully this, here, now. In living a life in love, as love.


"Realize Your Rhythm was birthed into being by London & Californian wellbeing movement Unmind and gypsy spirit Ellanah Fawcett. UnMind was founded by Yoga teacher, Reiki healer and Meditation instructor Mollie Mendoza, she is by her own measure a ‘student of the human experience’. Unmind is a trailblazer of London’s wellness scene with her unique approach to curating yoga sessions with special attention to the power music, movement and meditation can have to your wellbeing. An adventure loving soul, Ellanah is forever exploring new ways of connecting to our true self and the magic of everyday life. Her sunshine infused classes explore the flowing dance between breath and movement; cultivating greater space, peace, and presence in both body and mind. A nature loving Reiki Master with an eclectic background in performing arts and Anthropology, and a love for all things dance; Ellanah draws from a creative mix of inspiration, always exploring how we can come deeper into awareness and move deeper from love. It doesn't matter if you can't touch your toes, the real yoga is in feeling fully this, here, now. In living a life in love, as love."


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